OnTV has part-time work available for college students in the Pittsburgh area as sales consulting representatives (please
see the job description below.) If you are interested in becoming a representative, or have any further questions, feel free
to stop in at our Web Site & Email Store on Freeport Road (click here
for a map).
What is an OnTV Representative?
We are not asking you to be an OnTV salesperson but to be a consulting representative who helps us understand the market. Think of yourself as a warm-bodied and friendly, and intelligent, billboard :-). A typical starting question is "So, what do you do on the Internet?" and then, maybe, "Do you have a web page?"
When you visit the OnTV office, we will give you a fixed number of hours that we will pay you. Typically, this is the number of consulting hours that you can give us in the next week, and that we agree to give you.
We will give you a small stack of business cards. This is typically no more than 10 cards for each hour. It can be more or less depending how many you actually need.
For those hours, we want you to talk to people and see how they use the web and email. If it looks like they could use help with graphics, databases, email services, etc, give them your card and suggest they look at the Web and Email Store.
The card gives them a 5% discount, so they are likely to bring it. We give you commission credit when they show us the card. Of course, you can bring them to OnTV but this isn't at all necessary. Don't try to sell, you are just a representative. We will do the 'selling.'
To get your consulting pay, you must give us a brief summary of how you handed out the cards that also gives us an indication of what services people might need. Here is an example (3 hours work):
"Visited with a secretary at Pitt and found out she and her husband wanted a web site. Gave her two cards. Talked to one of my friends who is graphically impaired ... gave him a card. His name is John Smith and his email is johnsmith@pitt.edu. Handed a card to one of my professors whose web site needs help. Got my dentist to put the rest of the cards at his reception desk.
What people think: A lot of people were interested when I asked them about what they did on the web."
Finally, if you wish to be paid to construct and maintain web sites and offer help for our customers, we will give our best representatives preference for that work as we get it in.
If you want to read something to get your courage up: http://rack1.ul.cs.cmu.edu/is/salesbook/doc.scn
If you want to potentially make even more money, sign them up for Place-ifieds after you sign up as a Place-ifieds associate.